Friday, March 28, 2025

Your Baby’s First Year: Key Milestones

Your baby’s first year is filled with many exciting changes! We have created a short guide to highlight some key developmental milestones to expect in their first 12 months.

1 to 3 Months

In your baby’s first three months of life, they will begin to register familiar faces and voices, particularly yours, their family! Some key milestones are included below.

Motor Skills: By the end of month three, many babies will usually start to lift their heads when lying on their tummies. They may also wiggle and kick their arms and legs, gaining strength with each little stretch.

Social & Emotional: As mentioned above, babies will begin to recognise their parents’ faces and show facial expressions indicating happiness and enjoyment in response.

Cognitive: Your baby will start following moving objects with their eyes, and their attention will be particularly drawn to familiar faces.

Language: Babies will begin cooing as well as making gurgling sounds.

4 to 6 Months

From the 4-6 month mark, babies will start to be more aware of their surroundings, including noticing if their name is called.

Motor Skills: Rolling over from tummy to back often happens around this time, and some babies may begin sitting up with support. They will also try to reach and grab objects.

Social & Emotional: During these months, babies start recognising when their names are called. They’ll also start responding to voices, and show excitement when interacting with familiar people.

Cognitive: You’ll notice your baby is more curious, reaching for and exploring objects with their hands and mouth.

Language: Listen for little “ba” or “ma” sounds as they experiment with their voice.

7 to 9 Months

Between 7 and 9 months, babies will get more mobile and usually will begin crawling. This is often a time when they are very eager to explore. Another key milestone for a baby during this time is beginning to sit without support and make babbling noises, like “mama” or “dada,” even if they don’t exactly say the full phrasing yet.

Motor Skills: Sitting without support becomes easier for babies, and they may start crawling or find ways to move. Some babies may even pull themselves up to a standing position.

Social & Emotional: Babies may begin to show a preference for certain people, even experiencing a bit of stranger anxiety. This is a sign they’re forming strong attachments.

Cognitive: Your baby will explore objects in new ways—shaking, banging, and throwing them to see what happens. Sensory play is an especially great activity during this time.

Language: Babies start making sounds that resemble simple words, like “mama” or “dada,” although these words may not be intentional yet.

10 to 12 Months

As they near or reach 1 year, many babies start standing, and some take their first steps. Other key baby milestones can include walking, waving, or saying a few words.

Motor Skills: Many babies are standing without help and might even take a few steps. You may also see them start to pick up small items using a thumb and forefinger (pincer grip).

Social & Emotional: Games like “peek-a-boo” may become a favourite, and your baby will usually begin to wave, clap, or show interest in copying mannerisms or phrases of the people around them.

Cognitive: Babies begin to realise that objects exist even when out of sight, which is why hide-and-seek and “peek-a-boo” games are very exciting and fun to them at this age.

Language: On average, babies may say a few simple words, like “mama” or “dada,” between 10-12 months. They also start to understand basic instructions like “no” or “come here.”

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